Ecological architecture - sustainable design

Located on the market place, this is a key to a number of The Village project's objectives, particularly in the areas of research, education, and community resilience.

The building has been designed to incorporate a numbers of meeting spaces as well as residential research facilities, a library and flexible office spaces.

Three storey timber post and beam frame, to allow flexible, open-plan layout of ground floor spaces. A social/ cultural space jointly owned by members for their own administrative, educational, recreational and leisure activities. Since inception, community facilities have been central to the concept of building a sustainable community together. In addition to providing space for these core activities is envisaged that the new spaces will allow for educational course delivery, conferences, local groups activities, academic research, and workspace for an array of specialist spin-off entities.

There are 2 live-work units adjoining which are flexible; whether occupied independently or by an Artist in Residence, for instance. Planning Permission extended to 2017. Fire Safety & Disability Access certificates have been granted in 2010. The proposal is ready to go upon funding being secured.